Locking & Unlocking

Secure Your Site During the Christmas Break

Risks of leaving your site vacant over Christmas shutdown

A vacant site poses many risks for you and your company. These are some of the most common ones, based on feedback from our current and former clients.

Dark nights: this provides ample cover for would be intruders to enter the site unnoticed.

Kids off school: this leads to an increase in anti-social behaviour, including trespassing and vandalism, which can also result in them getting injured while on your site.

Alcohol: people tend to drink more over Christmas, which can also lead to anti-social behaviour, as described above.

Financial strain: times are tough for many families, especially at Christmas, making the theft of assets from an open site seem more appealing.

Flytipping: with more rubbish building up over Christmas and fewer collections by the council, many will see an empty site as the perfect spot for flytipping.


What Marpol Security can do for you

Fortunately, help is at hand. As many of our current and repeat clients will attest, Marpol Security provides bespoke, short-term security solutions to protect your site and assets while you’re shut down over Christmas. These are just some of the ways in which we can help:

Mobile Patrols: our mobile units will perform regular inspections of the site and respond to any security breaches.

CCTV: we can install temporary CCTV towers that are monitored 24/7 throughout the Christmas shutdown.

On-site security: we can supply experienced security guards or K9 units to protect your site and assets.

Physical barriers: we can install concrete blocks and other barriers across your entrance to limit access to the site.



Whatever your security requirements might be over the Christmas period, we will put together the ideal solution to meet them. Call Marpol Security today on 08085 627 765 or send an email to info@marpol.co.uk to arrange a free consultation.